Choosing the right motorhome, navigating the buying process, and then maintaining your asset over a long period of time all require knowledge and time. This collection of resources has been created to help you make the right decisions for you and your family.
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When Mark and Nicola Baker set out for a long drive through Europe in their Carado motorhome, they agreed that no matter where they were, some things would never change, Peta Stavelli writes.
Most of us would agree that two and a half years in a confined space with another person would be difficult. Yet this is exactly what Auckland couple Mark and Nicola Baker set out to do – and they succeeded gloriously, with their relationship emerging even stronger for the experience.
Like most success stories, this one was built on a strong foundation.
When Mark and Nicola Baker set out for a long drive through Europe in …
Gearing up to buy your first motorhome or upgrading to your next one? Perhaps you’re just keen to see the latest gadgets and RV must-haves — in which case, a motorhome show can be the perfect place to check it all out.
Held across New Zealand throughout the year, these events bring together everything from the newest motorhome models to expert advice and exclusive show specials.
Motorhome shows also offer the chance to connect with New Zealand’s passionate RV community — a group always ready to share stories, advice and inspiration. Many shows include informative seminars, where you can learn from industry experts about motorhome maintenance and planning unforgettable road trips.
In this helpful guide, we walk you through all you need to know about motorhome shows in NZ. From the top events across the country to tips on planning your visit and making the most of the show day to who may not be attending, we have you covered.
Gearing up to buy your first motorhome or upgrading to your next one? …
Does it feel like the right time to own a motorhome, but your savings aren’t quite where they need to be?
Perhaps you’re expecting a future windfall through a property sale or inheritance. Maybe you’re thinking about a lifestyle change to travel for an extended period of time. Or you may be a first-time buyer needing additional funding to cover the full cost of your dream RV.
Purchasing a motorhome is unquestionably a significant investment. However, there's a way to get the model you want sooner than you think — by buying it on finance.
Does it feel like the right time to own a motorhome, but your savings …
After a long drive in the summer heat, there’s arguably nothing worse than arriving at your freedom camping spot to find a fridge stocked with warm beer.
One of the greatest joys of living the motorhome lifestyle is the convenience of having everything you need at hand — including a couple of cold ones to relax at your destination.
In this fun blog, we offer advice on preparing and optimising your fridge for travel. We also discuss how to prevent your beer from getting warm and manage power to keep your fridge working well. Plus, we look at keeping your fridge cold when freedom camping off-grid.
Motorhoming allows you to be spontaneous, set your own schedule, and travel New Zealand on your own terms. The key to success, however, is ensuring you invest in a motorhome that's best suited to your individual requirements.
In this blog, we look closely at some common mistakes to steer clear of — like insisting on a separate bathroom, planning for part-time passengers and underestimating storage needs.
Motorhoming allows you to be spontaneous, set your own schedule, and …
Natural renewable energy sources like wind, water flow, geothermal steam and tidal surges can all be harnessed and extracted efficiently — with the right technology.
However, the sun is the most suitable renewable for keeping the habitation battery in your motorhome charged because the infrastructure is affordable enough. Even fitting the most basic solar panel system to your motorhome will help lower your overall cost of ownership — so you can freedom camp for longer and reduce your overall camping spend.
In this blog, we examine how solar systems work, the types of solar panels available and the many benefits of owning a motorhome with a solar system. We also discuss the affordability of solar panels, the risks of installation and whether solar power is right for you.
Natural renewable energy sources like wind, water flow, geothermal steam …
Imagine navigating winding gravel roads to wake up to breathtaking views in remote corners of New Zealand. A four wheel drive motorhome opens up access to these incredible experiences but not to the same degree as a Toyota Landcruiser — so will it truly be worth your investment?
In this article, we assess the different kinds of motorhome drivetrains and their benefits. Plus, we discuss whether four wheel drive and all wheel drive motorhomes are the same.
We also examine the costs and practicalities of owning a four wheel drive, why you might buy one and the importance of choosing a motorhome that fits your lifestyle.
Imagine navigating winding gravel roads to wake up to breathtaking views …
Freedom camping is one of the most peaceful experiences you can have while owning a recreational vehicle. But if you want to camp away from commercial campgrounds, your motorhome almost always needs to be a certified self-contained vehicle.
In this guide, we cover everything you need to know about certified self-containment, including the current standard and most recent amendments to the regulations. We also look at the different types of self-contained certification, how to get your motorhome certified and share some maintenance tips and checks to help your RV stay compliant.
Freedom camping is one of the most peaceful experiences you can have while …
Some friendly RV salespeople prefer to paint pictures of you watching the sunset by your new vehicle, holding a refreshing beverage — rather than tell you about the challenges of motorhome ownership.
It’s important to take your time gathering the information you need and gaining a clearer view of motorhome life before signing the paperwork and taking off on your adventures.
In this entertaining and informative blog, we reveal our top ten questions to ask a motorhome dealer before parting ways with your hard-earned cash. Find out how much work a motorhome lifestyle requires, when the RV last had a water tightness test and whether you can check the roof.
Some friendly RV salespeople prefer to paint pictures of you watching the …