Important Information for Owners of European Motorhomes
Stories in the media about an inspection requirement change from NZTA | Waka Kotahi have caused considerable concern for many motorhomes owners. A few motorhome and horse truck owners have had issues when taking their vehicle for a regular compliance inspection. The inspector has asked for proof that the vehicle is compliant with the cab modification rule and these owners have been unable to present the necessary proof - so the certificate of fitness (CoF) was not renewed.
Inspection requirement change
Waka Kotahi has issued a change to the vehicle inspection requirements manual (VIRM) for heavy vehicles with a cab rear wall or roof modification effective 1 May 2021. The requirements apply to motorhomes with a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) greater than 3500kg. The change is intended to improve vehicle safety by ensuring that these modifications are carried out correctly and the vehicles are inspected by suitably qualified people.
Motorhome modification rules
Vehicle testing stations must check that heavy vehicles with a cab rear wall or roof modification have the required certification. Motorhomes manufactured in New Zealand require an LT400 certificate and imported motorhomes require a Stage 2 certificate.
European motorhomes
The motorhomes we import (Carado, Bürstner, and HYMER) are all inspected and certified at the motorhome factory under the European Community Whole Vehicle Type Approval (ECWVTA) system. The ECWVTA standard covers all modifications to the base vehicle including the cab. Waka Kotahi accepts the ECWVTA standard so imported motorhomes do not require an LT400 certificate.
Imported motorhomes are issued an ECWVTA Certificate of Conformity (CoC) by the motorhome manufacturer and a label/plate confirming conformity is attached to the vehicle. This is known as the Stage 2 (Stufe 2) plate which is affixed to the driver’s door frame. For more information about certification of conformity (CoC), see our recent blog A guide to motorhome weight and payload.
When a motorhome is first imported, the CoC information supplied by the motorhome manufacturer is registered with Waka Kotahi and is entered in their vehicle database (LANDATA). We lodge this information as a part of our motorhome importation processes. If the vehicle inspector cannot locate the CoC information in the LANDATA then siting the Stage 2 chassis rating plate is sufficient.
Where to find the Stage 2 plate
If you are concerned that you may be asked to verify that your motorhome is compliant by a vehicle inspector, make sure you know where to find the Stage 2 plate on your motorhome. See our recent blog A guide to motorhome weight and payload for information on how to locate your Stage 2 plate.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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